Speech, Language, & Voice Treatment
The aftermath of a hospital intensive care stay, development of a neurological condition, or cervical surgery can present different experiences and challenges from person to person. As a result, we look at the person, not the diagnosis and develop a meaningful treatment plan.
At Life Beyond Barriers Rehabilitation Group, Speech, Language, and Voice Treatment is not just about talking. It’s learning how language is expressed, processed, and understood. It’s finding the right strategies to help with communication skills.
What makes our Speech, Language, & Voice Treatment program different:
- An approach focused on personalized, meaningful goals
- Treatment is individualized, creative, and inclusive of person’s identified community and environment to ensure successful outcomes
- Treatment focused on expression, comprehension, and use of augmentative forms of communication
- Interventions are created for breath support, vocal hygiene, and voice strengthening to improve function and stamina
- Trained in Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD
- Continuous feedback and active communication
If you are struggling with aphasia, dysphonia, dysarthria, vocal cord trauma, speech and language impairment, contact us.

Evaluation Process
After an initial evaluation by the PT / OT /SLP, we recommend a treatment plan. The plan is unique to the client—their goals and needs, plus the therapist’s findings and knowledge. The frequency and duration of therapy sessions are based on the physician’s prescription and recommended treatment plan.

All About YOU
To form a therapy plan, we get to know you on a deeper level—your passions, motivations, and personal story. It’s not small talk. It’s a critical part of what we do. By getting to know your dreams and ultimate goals, we create a bolder, more personalized way forward.
Do you or a loved one desire a more personal approach to rehabilitation? Make a referral and we’ll be in touch.

Explore our collection resources that can support each client’s rehabilitation journey.

For a bold way forward — contact us