Speech Therapy
Along with the client and family, we help identify personal and contextually relevant goals with the client. Our Speech Therapists facilitate growth of cognitive, communication, and swallowing skills required to achieve those goals. Areas of focus may include attention, memory, planning, organization, sequencing, voice, and communication strategies. Our approach is holistic, individualized, and team-based. We focus completely on the individual, and form a plan around their story, unique circumstances, and personal goals.
Learn about Speech Therapy for Pediatrics.
What makes our Speech Therapy different:
- We talk with the client, not to them
- 1:1 client therapist interaction during entire treatment time
- Treatment plans are created around environments and needs with a focus on navigating their community
- Collaborative with other disciplines to ensure crossover and effectiveness in supporting communication/cognitive needs
- Approach on helping the client rediscover their self identity
Intensive Training in
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD
- Certified Brain Injury Specialists (CBIS)
Do you or a loved one desire a more personal approach to rehabilitation? Make a referral and we’ll be in touch.

Explore our collection resources that can support each client’s rehabilitation journey.

For a bold way forward — contact us